Brixen Water Light Festival

Water is life – light is art

With its myriad of enchanting squares, winding narrow streets and magnificent stately buildings, Brixen’s old town is an architectural jewel. The oldest part of town is located across the Eisack river and can be reached via the Adler bridge. The Eisack has always been both a blessing and a curse for the town. The “blue gold” – as locals affectionately call their water – is omnipresent in Brixen and its people are proud of this precious resource. In recognition of this, the Water Light Festival is held in Brixen and the surrounding area every May. Artists from near and far create immersive light installations at various water features around the town, providing illuminating insights into the world of water.

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Water Light Festival
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Hotel owner from Brixen

I've personally done a few tours with guests who didn't know about the event and I'm thinking of a middle-aged couple from the US: they were blown away. They had never seen anything like it and the woman had tears in her eyes. That was their most beautiful experience in their Europe trip. Other guests from Vienna were equally fascinated [...] Incredibly many, enthusiastic people in all alleys and squares.

Hotel owner from Brixen

"Light Festival spotlights sustainability in Italian town"